Four Principles That Will Make You Rich

principles that will make you rich
It’s not your fault if you were born poor, but it’s your fault if you die poor.” There’s no reason why you should live in poverty. Wealth is waiting for you, but you have to make up your mind if you want it in your life.
— Bill Gates

A person's value or his level of success is commonly defined by the person's net worth. Many believe that the ratio of assets and liabilities, investments and annual income is what defines a person’s financial status. Everyone wants and needs money. However, our society also has a conflicting opinion of money. We hear things such as “Money is the root of all evil” and we feel jealous of our neighbor’s new toys.

In reality, wanting money is actually a noble thing. Money is a powerful resource that allows us to live our lives to the highest purpose. We all live for the body, the mind and the soul and whether you know it or not, we all have a purpose in life. Money is a great resource that aids us to live our life to its fullest expression.

So can anyone obtain money? If you want to become the top 5% performer in any field, you absolutely can, given that you undergo proper training and practice. The same goes for building wealth. If you know the principles of making money and you put it into action, you will find money. It’s as much of a universal law as the law of gravity. 

There are (4) principles to breaking out of your limited past and forging a future of wealth and abundant money.

money note bills

1. Make Peace With Money. Be Comfortable With Your Desire.

“Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich. No one can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money, for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with.”
— Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich

It doesn’t matter what your goals are, the very first step to living the life of your dreams is to accept the fact that it is okay if you want money. As mentioned before, money is a great resource that allows us to express our life to the fullest.

Most of us are conditioned into hating money. We see wealthy people as greedy, as if their wealth is depriving others. This cannot be further from the truth. Never feel guilty or scared to want money. Do not distance yourself from money. There is nothing wrong in wanting wealth. The desire to be rich is really your desire to live a fuller life. It’s a noble compulsion.

Appreciate your urge to be wealthy and your vision of living a life of abundance. Understanding and embracing this fact will change everything. You will realize that there are unlimited ways in which you can make large sums of money. It will come to you quickly and easily for the highest good of all concerned.



2. Understand The Universal Law Of Abundance.

Money is everywhere- if you believe it and can move from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. I previously showed you how my parents failed to make their dreams a reality. During his struggles, my father lost his confidence, suffered from depression and regretted his decision to relocate to New Zealand. Although it wasn’t spoken aloud, we all knew that my father blamed New Zealand for his failures. The slow economy, small population and the lack of opportunities were easy targets for his blame.

I respect my father for all that he has done. He is the most diligent and hard-working person that I know. But a person who lives a life of a victim cannot live a life of abundance… no matter how hard he works. This is the essence of this second principle of making money. You have to understand that money is everywhere. Don’t blame your circumstances because there is always money to be earned.

Getting rich is not the result of your environment. If it were, everyone who lived in a prosperous area would be rich and everyone else would be poor. This simply is not the case. We see rich and poor living side by side in the same environment. There are enough opportunities for you to make money wherever you are.

Never live the life of a victim. Look for ways to solve problems, look to add value to other’s lives and the money will follow.


RELATED READING: Response-Ability. The Difference Between Mediocrity And Success.



3. You Don't Need Higher Education For Higher Wealth.

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.
— Jim Rohn

Aside from blaming the environment and the circumstances, people with a victimized mentality have the tendency to blame their lack of formal education for their failures in amassing wealth. But did you know that only a small percentage of self-made millionaires are highly educated? In fact, most of the self-made billionaires on the Forbes 400 Richest Americans List either did not go to college or dropped out of college.

You don’t need higher education to make money. It’s just an excuse.

Of course, education is important. The education most of us get in our early years is crucial. But when it comes to making money, schooling couldn’t be more irrelevant. Conventional school education does not teach us how to make money. What we really need to learn is how money works and how you can make it work for you. The masses are convinced that acquiring masters and doctorate degrees are the way to gain wealth, while the rich understand that acquiring, and continually seeking out specific knowledge is the secret to financial freedom.

Steve Siebold, self-made millionaire and author of “How Rich People Think,” researched more than 1,200 of the world’s wealthiest people over the past three decades and found that: “Many world-class performers have little formal education, and have amassed their wealth through the acquisition and subsequent sale of specific knowledge.”

Successful men, in all callings, never stop acquiring specialized knowledge related to their major purpose, business, or profession. Those who are not successful usually make the mistake of believing that the knowledge-acquiring period ends when on finishes school,
— Napoleon Hill, Think And Grow Rich



4. Take Action

The most life destroying word of all is the word tomorrow,
— Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad & Poor Dad
Most people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.
— Anthony Robbins, Re-awaken the Giant Within


Becoming rich can only be achieved if you combine

1)            What you think with
2)            What you do.

You are the source, the generator and the reason for everything that happens to you. Now that you’ve embraced your noble compulsion to be rich and stopped blaming your circumstances, environment and the absence of higher education (aforementioned three principles above), it’s now time to act.

Your life’s course is based upon the actions that you choose to take or fail to take. Taking action may be the most challenging part out of the four principles of making money. This is because actions that bring massive results normally require you to be outside of your comfort zones and take risks.

Anyone can dream of becoming wealthy, recite self-affirmations and create their own vision boards based on the popular law of attraction.

But not everyone implements their goals into action. This is why only a handful of people get wealthy. Action is the missing key that transforms visions into reality.

RELATED READING: 5 True Meanings of Happiness. 6 Figure Salary and Rolexes Just Don't Cut It. 





This is an excerpt from my eBook: "The Three Pillars Of Life - Money, Success and Happiness". If you've enjoyed reading the first chapter of the book, feel free to download the entire book for free by signing up with our newsletter here. Upon confirming your email address, we will send you an automated mail with links that will grant you immediate access.