Why You Should Smile [Infographic]

It's easy to take things for granted and forget the values in the most trivial things in life, and our hectic lifestyles don't help. Today we are consumed by negative thoughts, obligations and social expectations at both work and home. It's come to an extent where psychologist make claims such as: "Adults today are self-obsessed and more stressed than those who lived through the Blitz". The rapid pace of our societies and the growing burdens on our shoulders are inevitable -- they are external factors that we really don't have any control over. But we can control how we react to them. 

Did you know there is something that you can do anytime and every time, and it will make you less stressed, more socially likeable and healthier! It's something that we all start to do since in our mother's womb but somehow forgotten as we grow older. This powerful act is called smiling. 

The positive effects of smiling are countless. It's been studied that people who smile are actually more successful, happier and healthier. Smiling is an act of influence, something that's contagious. Why not decide to be better and healthier by sharing your smile with others today?