Bust the Myths: What Does A Chiropractor Really Do?
/As a chiropractor, I have to admit, the profession fails to define a clear form of service; at least in the eyes of the public, making them confused. When you see a chiropractor, he might just adjust the neck and the neck only. While on the other hand, when you go to see another chiropractor down the road, he may adjust the entire spine! Another good example is, one chiropractor may spend over 20 minutes with you in a single session of treatment, while another may spend just 90 seconds. Then the public starts to ask:
"How do I know which type of chiropractic care is right for me?"
This vast disparity between different chiropractors sometimes even confuses chiropractic students during their first few years of education. In reality, it's this variety and different approaches that make the chiropractic profession, so unique. Although different chiropractors may have different styles and methods, it all comes down to 3 main principles that ALL chiropractors do.
1. Chiropractic Is Not Medicine
Chiropractors do not diagnose, prescribe medications nor do they perform any surgeries; in fact, we would not want to do these things in the first place. Chiropractors do not see the human body in its separate parts, but we understand that the whole body is greater than the sum of its parts.
If you are planning your first visit to a chiropractor's office, you should not expect a doctor figure in a white gown with a stethoscope dangling around his neck. Chiropractors are NOT medical doctors. But don't get me wrong, chiropractors are indeed primary healthcare professionals who are fully capable of diagnosing, clinically refer patients out, and give relevant health consultations to the public. At this point, you might be wondering:
"Wait, you just said chiropractors don't diagnose health conditions?"
A poor representation of a chiropractic office and doctor.
2. Vertebral Subluxations
Yes, primarily, a chiropractor's main role is not to diagnose diseases, nor should we. If you went to your family doctor office or the nearest hospital, they would be more fully equipped in terms of both experience and medical equipment to give you a more accurate diagnoses of your condition (this is not necessarily true if we are talking about musculoskeletal conditions). Chiropractor's main job is to locate, analyse and correct vertebral subluxations. Subluxations are very simply, misalignments of the spine that causes non-uniform and accelerated rates of spinal degeneration that leads to nerve irritation. Chiropractors are the only profession in the world that undergoes endless hours of training and education to detect these harmful interruptions of the spine and safely remove them. You can see the astonishing x-ray results of before and after chiropractic care.
It's true that chiropractic doctors produce phenomenal results in alleviating pains and aches; oftentimes even better than conventional medical treatment methods. You will be surprised to hear that this does not only apply to musculoskeletal conditions such as neck and low back pain. Chiropractic care has helped millions of people get rid of their headaches, migraines, breathing problems and even, high blood pressure. Despite the amazing results, it's not really the chiropractic doctor who treats the conditions, but as a profession, we believe that it's your body --, your innate intelligence that does the healing.
3. The Innate Intelligence
Chiropractic adjustments serve only one purpose;
Chiropractors do not adjust the spine to mobilise your joints,
Chiropractors do not adjust the spine to "crack your bones",
and chiropractors do not adjust the spine to treat your low back pain and headaches.
Chiropractors deliver chiropractic adjustments to the spine for one reason -- it is to facilitate your body's healing processes, naturally. The innate intelligence is one of the main pillars of chiropractic philosophy. Innate intelligence is something that is present in all living, an organising property of life. It turns the flower to face the sun, harmoniously controls over 60 trillion cells in our bodies, and allows our bodies to grow and repair. Chiropractors acknowledge the fact that the body knows best and that it has infinite potential to heal itself. It goes by the words of B. J. Palmer, "the power that made the body, heals the body." A chiropractor's role is to facilitate the innate intelligence by removing nerve interference of the spine, so your central nervous system can meticulously work with the body. An optimal mind-body connection leads to repair, growth and the body's expression of true health.
Chiropractic For Dummies
The whole concept of chiropractic and the profession's philosophy may sound uneasy at first, but it works. I have mentioned in previous articles that, the major principles of chiropractic is like gravity. It's not a hypothesis nor is it something that you need to believe in. It's there, it's real and it works.
Mainstream medicine not giving you results? Are you tired of taking medications just to hide your symptoms? Or are you someone that is looking to be healthier and become a better self. No matter what technique your chiropractor uses, if he is aligned with the above 3 principles of chiropractic, I'm sure you are benefiting in so many ways with every single adjustments.